Windows kernel rootkits techniques and analysis
Bruce Dang
23-26 January 2017
16 Seats
3200 EURO before January 1,
3600 EURO after.
This class is tailored for malware analysts, system developers, forensic analysts, incident responders, or enthusiasts who want to analyze Windows kernel rootkits or develop software for similar tasks. It introduces the Windows architecture and how various kernel components work together at the lowest level. It discusses how rootkits leverage these kernel components to facilitate nefarious activities such as hiding processes, files, network connections, and other common objects. As part of the analytical process, we will delve into the kernel programming environment; we will implement some kernel-mode utilities to aid our understanding.
Needless to say, the class will contain many hands-on labs and exercises using real-world rootkits. There are no made-up examples in the class.
Bruce Dang is an information security researcher with interests in low-level systems. He is currently working at Veramine trying to make the world a safer place. He previously worked as a senior security development engineer lead at Microsoft; his team’s focus spans all things product-security related from hardware, OS, and web services. He specializes in reverse engineering and Windows kernel-level security projects. Before Microsoft, he worked as a developer in the financial sector. He was the first person to publicly discuss techniques of analyzing file format based exploits and has patents in the area of generic shell code and exploit detection. His public research includes Office exploit analysis, ROP detection, shell code detection, and kernel driver decompilation techniques; on the malware side, he is known for first analyzing vulnerabilities in the Stuxnet worm. He has spoken at major security conferences worldwide, i.e., REcon (Canada), Blackhat (Vegas and Tokyo), Chaos Computer Club (Germany), Computer Antivirus Research Organization (Hungary), etc. In addition to sharing his knowledge at public conferences, he has also provided private training and lectures to government agencies. He is also the author of the best-selling reverse engineering textbook, Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, Windows kernel, and obfuscation, published by John Wiley & Sons.
More details coming soon