Reverse Engineering Malware
Nicolas Brulez
23-26 January 2017
22 Seats
3200 EURO before January 1,
3600 EURO after.
Learn how to unpack and Reverse-Engineer malware in this 4-day class.
Covered Topics: Unpacking, Static and Dynamic Analysis, IDA Python and Targeted Attacks.
Nicolas currently works at Kaspersky Lab as Principal Malware Researcher. His responsibilities include analyzing targeted attacks and complex malwares and Incident Handling.
Prior to joining Kaspersky Lab, Nicolas worked as a senior virus researcher for Websense Security Labs, and as the head of software security at Digital River/Silicon Realms when he was in charge of the anti-reverse engineering techniques used in the Armadillo protection system.
Over the last 16 years, Nicolas has authored numerous articles and papers on reverse engineering and presented at various security conferences such as RECON, ToorCon, SSTIC, Virus Bulletin, Hacker Halted, RuxCon, TakeDownCon, Pacsec etc.
More details coming soon