Hardware Hacking (Advanced)
Dmitry Nedospasov
23-26 January 2017
18 Seats
3200 EURO before January 1,
3600 EURO after.
The analysis of hardware targets can often be hampered by the fact that a compatible peripheral is not available. However, through a combination of hardware and software it is possible to rapidly prototype and design such peripherals. This training is specifically designed for security researchers who wish to improve their familiarity with hardware security as well as the underlying implementations. The training is built as a set of Capture the Flag (CTF) style assignments, each designed to familiarize students with a common flaw in hardware implementations. Students will learn an efficient workflow for designing such peripherals. This workflow utilizes a combination of programmable logic (CPLDs, FPGAs) and corresponding python code to solve each assignment. Students that complete the course will thoroughly understand the advantages of building tools based on programmable logic. Additionally, students will understand how hardware implementations are realized and exploit several common hardware security flaws. Most importantly, students will learn the necessary skills for real-time analysis of complex undocumented proprietary protocols.
Dmitry Nedospasov studied Computer Engineering (CE) and recently finished his PhD in the field of Security of Integrated Circuit (IC) at the Berlin University of Technology (TU Berlin). Currently he is a consultant in the field of hardware security and secure design. He is also involved in a startup that is designing security peripherals for end-users. Dmitry’s PhD research included several novel physical attacks against ICs and embedded systems. This included adapting several Failure Analysis techniques to ensure device function throughout the analysis process. Dmitry has also been involved in studying modern IC countermeasures and obfuscation techniques. As part of this research several techniques were developed for correctly identifying and circumventing defensive mechanisms on modern ICs. To support his research, Dmitry has been involved in developing several hardware analysis tools to facilitate IC analysis. Together with Thorsten Schroder, Dmitry created Die Datenkrake (DDK) an open-source hardware platform for hardware reverse-engineering.
Website: http://nedos.net
More details coming soon