Speaker: Thorsten Schröder
Thorsten Schröder has been active as a technical consultant in the field of
applied IT-Security for many years. His areas of expertise lie in the
verification of software in either source or binary form. More recently,
Thorsten's research has resulted in several open source hardware projects, most
notably the "Keykeriki", an RF-analysis tool for sniffing and attacking 2.4GHz
based radio devices such as wireless keyboards. Thorsten has also been involved
in several software reverse-engineering projects such as the CCC's analysis of
the German Federal Trojan known as "0zapftis". Thorsten is the co-founder of the
Swiss modzero AG, established in 2011, as well as the German branch, modzero
GmbH, established in January 2013.
Events in this conference
Keep your tentacles off my bus, introducing Die Datenkrake. |